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ANC racist, not us, says Referendum Party. DA also complicit.

The Referendum Party (RP) notes the ANC’s somewhat hysterical press release relating to the RP’s manifesto launch on the Western Cape border. Unsurprisingly indignant rhetoric abounds, it is woefully inaccurate factually, and it is completely lacking in introspection. Business as usual therefore for the ANC.

For the ANC to accuse others of racism is laughable. They have trampled all over the notion of a rainbow nation and are now naked black nationalists. They have triumphed race based policy, whilst failing to implement the diversity they legally demand of society within their own ranks. Whilst since 1994 the Western Cape has had black, coloured, white, male, female, Christian and Muslim premiers, SA has been governed exclusively by black men.

Cape Independence is in part a response to the ANC’s catastrophic governance of South Africa, and a recognition that the majority of voters in South Africa are unwilling to vote on merit rather than race. South African voters keep electing the ANC despite its glaringly obvious flaws. When they finally reject the ANC they then turn to even more racist parties like the EFF and MK.

The Western Cape majority have never once in 30 years voted ANC and want no part of the ANC national clown show, even less so Malema and Zuma v2.0. Polling conducted in August 2023 shows that a majority now support Cape Independence, and more than two-thirds support a referendum being held.

Cape Independence is a legitimate means through which the Western Cape people can gain control of their own destiny and be governed by the party which they vote for, not the one they have rejected. The Constitution makes provision for a provincial referendum, and South Africa has repeatedly sworn to uphold the right of self-determination for all people. The Western Cape Constitution establishes a Western Cape people.

The DA promised a referendum but then reneged on their word, further fuelling sentiment around Cape Independence. Referendum Party leader Phil Craig recently took a polygraph to prove that DA leader John Steenhuisen had promised him a referendum, and has challenged Steenhuisen to acknowledge this truth or to also submit himself to a polygraph if he denies it. 

By denying the Western Cape people the referendum they were promised, the DA are putting their long-term future at risk and are driving secessionists to up the ante in their fight for functional democracy. Cape Independence is not going away and there will be a referendum sooner or later. Sooner will be better for everyone. 

As for the ANC’s laughable allegations, no-one was stopped at the border, no-one was searched, and most definitely not black people. Non-racialism is a foundational value of the RP and Cape Independence will allow non-racialism to triumph over African nationalism. Even a cursory inspection of the manifesto launch will confirm that the RP team at the border was multi-racial and included black, coloured, and white people.

The RP welcomes any legitimate investigation into its conduct. 

DATE: 25 April 2024