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The Referendum Party (RP) is deeply disappointed by the recent announcement of cuts to the Western Cape government’s budget. Unfortunately, the province has ended up in this difficult position as we do not control our taxation and spending policies.

According to a public statement by Premier Alan Winde, the Western Cape government will experience a R1.1 billion shortfall due to the centrally negotiated public wage bill. In addition, R642 million will be cut from conditional grants. The reduction in grants will result in cuts to the following budgets: R157 million from education, R122 million from health and wellness, and R324 million from transport.

RP Leader Phil Craig says, “The Western Cape is a net contributor to the national fiscus. Every year we pay more in taxes, yet we receive even less back. If we want to improve the Western Cape people’s quality of life, we need to control our taxation and spending. Devolution will not deliver that, only a referendum on Cape Independence will.”

The RP urgently requests that Premier Winde exercise his constitutional right to call a referendum on Western Cape Independence. The issue of independence directly relates to the Western Cape people’s money. It is our money; it should be our choice.