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The ANC is entrusting criminals with keeping us safe. Police Minister Bkhei Cele has admitted that over 70% of SAPS officers charged with crimes since 2019 are still in their jobs. This latest scandal emphasises the dire need for the Western Cape to control its own policing.

Some of the criminal charges against the officers include murder, rape, attempted murder and kidnapping. The fact these officers are still allowed to serve is an insult to victims of serious crimes in the Western Cape.

Referendum Party (RP) leader Phil Craig says, “The people of the Western Cape have no confidence in the SAPS. This lack of confidence extends to all levels of the organisation, with Cele himself being fired from his previous position as police commissioner for impropriety. It is ludicrous for us to continue to leave the safety of the Western Cape people in the hands of the national government when we can clearly do a better job ourselves.”

In 2019, Premier Alan Winde promised to fight for the devolution of policing powers in the DA’s Western Cape manifesto. Four years on: he has failed. Requests for greater policing control have consistently been rejected and ridiculed by Minister Cele. With devolution now off the table, if Premier Winde believes in keeping the Western Cape people safe, he must call a referendum on Cape Independence.