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ANC policing negligence is literally killing the Western Cape people. The national murder rate has reached a 20 year high according to the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) and we are powerless to stop the killings.

Section 206 and 207 of the South African Constitution establishes policing as a national competency. This means in the Western Cape that the ANC-led national government controls policing rather than the DA-led Western Cape Government.

The South African Police Service (SAPS) is in a dire crisis. In 2022, 59 incidents of policing corruption were reported. Only 1 in 10 murders result in a conviction. Former police commissioner, Khela Sitole stated that the SAPS mandate had become overstretched and was impossible to fill.

Referendum Party (RP) Leader Phil Craig says, “The latest crime statistics are evident that SAPS cannot keep the people of the Western Cape safe. The longer we leave policing in the hands of the ANC, the more people will senselessly die on our streets.”

As part of his 2019 Western Cape manifesto, Premier Alan Winde promised to fight for the devolution of policing powers. He failed. Instead, Police Minister Bheki Cele has consistently rejected all calls for the devolution of policing power to the province.

Craig says, “Attempts to devolve policing have failed. Devolution is not the solution. We have a legal right to control our own destiny. We need to stop begging and to start asserting our authority. The Premier must call a referendum on Cape Independence. Then we can create a professional and functional police service which will keep the Western Cape people safe.”

DATE: 16 November 2023