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‘Whose President Is He?’, Asks RP on Expropriation Bill

The Referendum Party (RP) wishes to establish on whose authority is President Ramaphosa acting. 

RP Leader Phil Craig says, “We have been led to believe that we have a Government of National Unity which is governed according to a consensus clause, and that on this basis, the GNU appointed Ramaphosa as President. This then begs the question of how one piece of legislation after another is being signed into law by the President despite the GNU seemingly not having consensus. Either the DA and other GNU parties have sold voters down the river, or Ramaphosa is the ANC’s president and not the GNU’s.”

The Expropriation Bill effectively amends the Constitution by the back door and allows people to be deprived of their property without compensation. This is not only contrary to the Constitution itself, it is also a clear contravention of the universally recognised right of all people to own property. It is morally unacceptable and economically suicidal. 

The GNU parties, and most significantly the DA, have placed on record their detailed and vehement objections to this Bill and we agree with them. The question now is, what are these GNU parties going to do about it?

“Evil prospers when good men (and women) do nothing.”

‘Wie se President is hy?’ vra RP oor die Onteieningswet

Die Referendum Party (RP) wil vasstel namens wie President Ramaphosa optree.

RP-leier Phil Craig sê: “Ons is laat glo dat ons ’n Regering van Nasionale Eenheid (RNE) het wat volgens ’n konsensusklousule regeer word, en dat Ramaphosa op hierdie basis as President aangestel is. Dit laat die vraag ontstaan hoe een stuk wetgewing na die ander deur die President onderteken word, terwyl dit lyk asof daar geen konsensus in die RNE is nie. Of die DA en ander RNE-partye het kiesers in die steek gelaat, of Ramaphosa is die ANC se president en nie die RNE s’n nie.”

Die Onteieningswet wysig die Grondwet feitlik deur die agterdeur en laat toe dat mense van hul eiendom ontneem kan word sonder vergoeding. Dit is nie net teenstrydig met die Grondwet self nie, maar ook ’n duidelike skending van die universeel erkende reg van alle mense om eiendom te besit. Dit is moreel onaanvaarbaar en ekonomies selfvernietigend.

Die RNE-partye, en spesifiek die DA, het hul gedetailleerde en hewige besware teen hierdie Wet op rekord geplaas, en ons stem saam met hulle. Die vraag is nou: Wat gaan hierdie RNE-partye daaraan doen?

“Die bose oorwin wanneer goeie mans (en vroue) niks doen nie.”