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PRESS RELEASE: Referendum Party (RP) disappointed but not downbeat

A choice between two possible futures was the central theme of the RP’s election campaign. In one, voters endorsed the RP in sufficient numbers to allow the party to force WC Premier Alan Winde to call a referendum on Cape Independence. In the other, voters endorsed the DA’s multi-party charter (MPC) and the possibility of saving all of South Africa.

With 71% of the provincial vote counted, it is now clear that voters have endorsed the DA’s plan. The RP is disappointed but not downbeat.

RP leader Phil Craig says, “The results are worse than we had anticipated which is of course disappointing, but this is just one chapter of the book. In two weeks time South Africa will have to form a government and that is the moment where we believe the penny will finally drop for many voters. Either we will have the doomsday coalition the DA spent so much energy warning us about, or the DA will have to prop up the very same ANC regime they promised voters they were fighting to remove. Cape Independence will suddenly make much more sense to the average Western Cape voter.”

Cape Independence has always been about protecting the ideological beliefs of the Western Cape from the threat of the South African national majority who hold radically different views. At this stage of the count, 80% of voters outside the Western Cape have voted either ANC, MK, or EFF, compared to just 32% in the Western Cape. This ideological divide is now wider than ever.

The Referendum Party is already preparing for the next chapter. Cape Independence is coming.

DATE: 31 May 2024