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The outgoing UCT Student Parliament Speaker, Daniel Hukamdad, has joined the Referendum Party (RP). Mr. Hukamdad is one of many young people who have joined the party in recent months, having recognised that Cape Independence is the only realistic way for the Cape to secure a first-world future for its people.

Mr. Hukamdad is a veteran of UCT student politics, having served as Speaker of the Student Parliament and having been elected twice to the Law Students' Council. Furthermore, he has served in senior roles in three prominent award-winning student societies, and in 2021 he was a finalist in the DA Young Leaders Programme.

In explaining his reasoning for joining the RP, Mr. Hukamdad said, "The modern South African state has failed to deliver its promises of reparative justice, attainable peace, and sustainable prosperity. It can never live up to the hopes and dreams of any of our people while it remains structurally defective. I have reconciled that the only option left is to break up this state into more manageable parts. This means rallying behind the Referendum Party to ensure a referendum on Cape Independence.”

Young people are vital to the operation and success of the RP. They are the biggest beneficiaries of Cape Independence and if they vote for independence on 29 May, they will be able to stop the Western Cape from becoming a failed state.

UCT Student Parliament Speaker, Daniel Hukamdad